Bed immobilization remains a core intervention to stabilize neuro-musculoskeletal injuries following commercial motorcycle-
related road traffic accidents. Despite timely operative and conservative management, most patients remain handicapped,
requiring short- and long-term physical therapy. That calls for physiotherapists to assess and make use of outcome measure tools
to determine the level of impairments and disability and make informed decisions when developing management goals. The
objective of the study was to determine short-term functional rehabilitation domains, the use of outcome measure tools, and
physiotherapy interventions used to minimize impairments and disability following a commercial motorcycle road-related
accident in Eldoret, Kenya. Biopsychosocial theory guided the study. A prospective cohort study was adopted. Purposive sampling
was used for the selection of 79 participants for 6 months between March 2021 and July 2021 in level 5 hospitals in Eldoret,
Kenya. The target population included post-operative patients in both male and female orthopedics wards, physiotherapists, and
social workers in the orthopedic department of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. The study population was 150 patients. A
self-administered, structured questionnaire was used. The data collected was entered and analyzed with SPSS 20. The findings of
this study revealed that forty-four percent (44%) of total participants were bedridden for fracture immobilization and spinal cord
injuries for more than 3 days before and after orthopedic and neurological surgery. The majority (100%) of the participants had
been referred for physiotherapy rehabilitation. All 100 participants were assessed with different outcome measure tools for neuro-
musculoskeletal injuries to determine the level of physical function. Forty-three percent (43%) had lost functional abilities of the
upper extremity (19 males, 15 females). Fifty-one-point nine percent (51.9%) had lost physical function due to lower extremity
fractures (39% (26 males, 15 females) and 24% (15 males, 4 females) with spinal cord injuries. Four participants (5%) reported
lost days to school, and 94.9% reported lost days to income-generating activities (27 females, 48 males). The majority (100%) of
the participants pre- and post-operatively were assessed with standardized outcome measure tools that remain significant for
prompt best evidence-based physiotherapy practices. Pain (100%) and impaired physical functions (100%) were the main
rehabilitation domains that posed the biggest challenge to patients’ post-trauma. Multicomponent physiotherapy interventions
ranging from stretching, strengthening, breathing exercises, bed positioning, mobility and transfers, balance and coordination,
and gait training tailored to patients’ physical function levels, prevention of muscle atrophy and strength, and joint stiffness were
core. This study recommended short-term physiotherapy rehabilitation on early bed mobilization and ambulation for patients,
which remains core for the restoration of physical functional levels and a return formula to socioeconomic status
Bed immobilization remains a core intervention to stabilize neuro-musculoskeletal injuries following commercial motorcycle-
related road traffic accidents. Despite timely operative and conservative management, most patients remain handicapped,
requiring short- and long-term physical therapy. That calls for physiotherapists to assess and make use of outcome measure tools
to determine the level of impairments and disability and make informed decisions when developing management goals. The
objective of the study was to determine short-term functional rehabilitation domains, the use of outcome measure tools, and
physiotherapy interventions used to minimize impairments and disability following a commercial motorcycle road-related
accident in Eldoret, Kenya. Biopsychosocial theory guided the study. A prospective cohort study was adopted. Purposive sampling
was used for the selection of 79 participants for 6 months between March 2021 and July 2021 in level 5 hospitals in Eldoret,
Kenya. The target population included post-operative patients in both male and female orthopedics wards, physiotherapists, and
social workers in the orthopedic department of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. The study population was 150 patients. A
self-administered, structured questionnaire was used. The data collected was entered and analyzed with SPSS 20. The findings of
this study revealed that forty-four percent (44%) of total participants were bedridden for fracture immobilization and spinal cord
injuries for more than 3 days before and after orthopedic and neurological surgery. The majority (100%) of the participants had
been referred for physiotherapy rehabilitation. All 100 participants were assessed with different outcome measure tools for neuro-
musculoskeletal injuries to determine the level of physical function. Forty-three percent (43%) had lost functional abilities of the
upper extremity (19 males, 15 females). Fifty-one-point nine percent (51.9%) had lost physical function due to lower extremity
fractures (39% (26 males, 15 females) and 24% (15 males, 4 females) with spinal cord injuries. Four participants (5%) reported
lost days to school, and 94.9% reported lost days to income-generating activities (27 females, 48 males). The majority (100%) of
the participants pre- and post-operatively were assessed with standardized outcome measure tools that remain significant for
prompt best evidence-based physiotherapy practices. Pain (100%) and impaired physical functions (100%) were the main
rehabilitation domains that posed the biggest challenge to patients’ post-trauma. Multicomponent physiotherapy interventions
ranging from stretching, strengthening, breathing exercises, bed positioning, mobility and transfers, balance and coordination,
and gait training tailored to patients’ physical function levels, prevention of muscle atrophy and strength, and joint stiffness were
core. This study recommended short-term physiotherapy rehabilitation on early bed mobilization and ambulation for patients,
which remains core for the restoration of physical functional levels and a return formula to socioeconomic status