Achieving a meaningful integration of Information Communication Technology tools in teaching
English can be influenced by many factors such as teachers’ attitudes, beliefs and thinking..
Therefore, this study aimed to ascertain teachers’ attitudes, beliefs, and thinking about the
integration of ICT in teaching English in secondary schools in Nairobi, Kenya.. The study was
guided by Teacher Cognition and TPACK frameworks viewed from two main landscapes: personal
and professional constructs of teachers involving technological pedagogical and content knowledge;
and contextual involving: attitudes, thoughts and beliefs of a teacher about information and
communication technology integration. The study utilised a descriptive research design based on a
mixed methods approach. The researcher surveyed and interviewed 19 teachers of English selected
from 10 secondary schools. The study established that teachers hold negative attitudes towards the
use of ICT in teaching English, thus unlikely to contribute effectively to the implementation of ICT
for teaching and learning.